Welcome to Vintage Vibe

Here is my collection of vintage computers and electronics.

I'm a bit of a hobbyist and have done a variety of different projects and restorations.
I will be adding new posts from time to time as I complete each project. Here are some of my recent posts below ... enjoy.
About me..

Super 80 – V2 Reproduction

First power up with Monitor V1.2 Upgraded RAM to 48K and Monitor to 8R5 Read More...

Dick Smith Super 80

Dick Smith Super 80 Got this Super80 in the big tech sale Auckland 2020. A little bit about the Super 80 The Dick Smith Super-80 was a Zilog Z80 based kit computer developed as a joint venture between Electronics Australia magazine and Dick Smith Electronics. It was presented as a series of construction articles in Electronics Australia magazine’s August, September and October 1981 issues. Electronics Australia had published a number of computer projects before the Super-80, including the EDUC-8 in 1974, the Mini Scamp and the DREAM 6800 Video Computer. The computer was sold as a “short form” kit for A$... Read More...

Apple II Rev 0

Apple II Rev 0 Background on the Apple II Rev 0 Replica The first 6000 or so Apple II’s sold, were equipped with what is called a revision 0 motherboard.  A number of Apple II motherboards were also sold at the same time without case, keyboard or power supply.  Most of these bare board systems were revision 0.  One of these early machines was my personal Apple II.  At some point, when the machine was on loan to a family member’s business, the original rev 0 board failed.  It was repaired via replacing the motherboard with a rev 3 board.  Over the last few years, I’ve been working to restore the... Read More...

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